

1. 皮肤鳞状细胞癌患者中接受BRAF抑制剂治疗的RAS基因突变

RAS Mutations in Cutaneous Squamous-Cell Carcinomas in Patients Treated with BRAF Inhibitors

[评论]  环绕边缘——BRAF抑制剂的悖论

RAF around the Edges — The Paradox of BRAF Inhibitors

2. 丙肝基因型1的抗病毒药物的两个初步研究

Preliminary Study of Two Antiviral Agents for Hepatitis C Genotype 1

[评论]  丙型肝炎治疗的分水岭时刻

A Watershed Moment in the Treatment of Hepatitis C

3. 老年女性骨质疏松的骨密度测试间隔与转型

Bone-Density Testing Interval and Transition to Osteoporosis in Older Women

4. **非上皮卵巢癌的反复DICER1基因突变**

Recurrent Somatic DICER1 Mutations in Nonepithelial Ovarian Cancers

5. 简报:甲状腺激素受体的α基因突变

Brief Report: A Mutation in the Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Gene



Case 2-2012 — A 63-Year-Old Woman with Dyspnea and Rapidly Progressive Respiratory Failure



Current Concepts: Cognitive and Neurologic Outcomes after Coronary-Artery Bypass Surgery


1. 减轻痛苦101——止痛在美国

Alleviating Suffering 101 — Pain Relief in the United States

2. 痛苦的不公平现象——发展中国家姑息治疗

Painful Inequities — Palliative Care in Developing Countries

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